Christopher Alexander

•Community and Privacy, with Serge Chermayeff (1963)•Notes on the Synthesis of Form (1964)•A City is Not a Tree (1965)•The Atoms of Environmental Structure (1967)•A Pattern Language which Generates Multi-Service Centers, with Ishikawa and Silverstein (1968)•Houses Generated by Patterns (1969)•The Grass Roots Housing Process (1973)[46]•The Center for Environmental Structure Series, made up of The Oregon Experiment (1975)A […]

Charles Ives

One of my early discoveries was the musical work of Charles Ives (1874–1954), an American modernist composer of classical music. Oliver (Howie) Kline was a young designer who was hired by our office. He came from a family of opera and music performers, took me to some of the premiere performances of Ives’s work at […]

Robert Mann

Over the years at MIT, I found that especially the more seasoned faculty members were always more open for discussion. One did not have to be enrolled in their classes. While Professor Edgerton was always available for a lively chat or openly show his photographic work or share descriptions of his South American research trips […]

Larry + Nancy Klein

Larry Klein and his wife Nancy were our next door neighbors in Evanston, IL, in 1976, when I was appointed to the ID Institute of Design in Chicago, IL. My wife and I moved into a carriage house that originally was originally connected to the Klein house. The long hall or covered walkway had been […]

Frank Boas, Edward Sapir, and Philip Morrison

I have always been interested in trying to understand my loves, but even more importantly, to understand from where and whom my biases come. What prompted me to prefer something over something else? Who lifted or lowered the curtain over my choice of realities, either tried to shield me or tried to lift me up? […]

Design Failure, Safety and Form

By Len D. Singer Len Singer Design and Research , Portsmouth VA, 23703 USAFormer Professor of Industrial Design, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, and Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago.  Emeritus Member: Human Factors and Ergonomic Society, Industrial Designers Society of America, and Environmental Design Research Association.  SynopsisThe objective of this paper is […]