Even Cavemen Could Do It Better

The Need for Change in the Design Paradigm:Adding Communication Eloquence (Data Search and Collection, Information Synthesis, Conceptualization and Generation of Contents and Information Management) to Traditional Form and Text Dexterity By Dietmar R. Winkler From the insights of Bertrand Russell, British philosopher and mathematician, a great sentiment for a distinct and useful mission for a […]


Not Value Collisions, but an Invigorating Humanistic and Democratic Value Dialogue   “If an ox had hands and could paint a picture, his god would look like an ox.”—Xenophanes of Colophon Aesthetics: ‘Pure’ and ‘Absolute’ or ‘Obsolete’.  If one were to take Kenneth Clark’s analysis of John Ruskin’s nineteenth century concepts about art and aesthetics and […]

Indentity in Sheep’s Clothing

Americans May Have No Identity, But They Do Have Wonderful Teeth. * -Jean Baudrillard, paraphrased   Identity as Territorial Marker Behind the concept of “identity”, hidden, lies a much more powerful human trait, namely the sense and extreme need for ownership, control, and territoriality. Through physical, social, and cultural territoriality, humanity is animated by nature […]

On Design Research

By Jorge Frascara and Dietmar R. Winkler   From Design Research Quarterly Volume 3, Number 3 July 2008 Design Research Society ISSN 1752-8445 Peter K. Storkerson, Editor Editor’s Introduction: Communication design, generally, is an outlier in the larger field of design, by virtue of its non-participation in empirical research and its lack of interest in […]

Helvetica: the film (unedited)

In Visible Language journal, 2010   The King has been dismissed. Long live the Commoner or long live the next king and the next common fad. Most likely, anything useful about “Helvetica” the film, has been said already. The individual designers who were interviewed during the documentary process framed some of the reasons for its success, […]