Univision + Envision, Inc.

Envision produced short films, videos, commercials and became a leading production company in Massachusetts of slideshows for educational and corporate functions like recruitment, product introductions, annual meetings, fundraising events and exhibitions. More

A Boston based movable image company, “Univision”, was founded by Bernt Petterssen in 1961. The company name soon morphed into “Envision”. Petterssen was a Harvard educated entrepreneur with amazing foresight, intelligence, enthusiasm, and stamina, able to invent many futures for his staff and collaborators as well as to periodically reinvent himself. He had interests in science, taught filmmaking, later studied music committing to piano performance, founded Vector, a company that built ultralight airplanes, dedicated to safety and affordability. He made environmental films and documentaries, and studied in the last phase of his multifaceted career to become an environmental expert in land rehabilitation, returning land to its former state. Bernt and his wife Donna grew into cherished friends, which lasted until Bernt died rather suddenly. Unbeknownst to his friends he had been fighting leukemia for some decades. This explained his amazing zest for life, nature and adventure.

Through Bernt Petterssen, I met Fred Brink, a photographer and filmmaker, with great interests and ability of introducing complex visual narratives into large theme exhibitions, like the “Kentucky Show”, or “Where is Boston” or “The Louisiana Katrina Project” and the many of his other successful American historical presentations in exhibition environments. Fred has this wonderful sense of humor; always gentle, humane and to the point. I always looked forward to working with him on any project.

Through Bernt, I also met Sam Hudson, a very smart writer and thinker who joined Pacifica Radio (KPFT in Houston goes on the air in 1970 and is bombed off twice during its first year by Ku Klux Klan attacks on its transmitter tower. After months of inactivity by federal agents and Houston police, Pacifica mounts a media campaign. Federal agents ultimately arrest a Klansman and charge him with plotting to blow up KPFA and KPFK, as well as the actual KPFT bombing). Because Envision staff were close collaborators with Petrucci and Atwell, one of the most skilled and best equipped recording studios, I also met Robert Petrucci, a very open-minded sound expert, for whom I designed the stationery package and some collateral material.

Ampex Data Systems Corporation Case History: Petrucci and Atwell: Perfectionists in Sound. The midtown Boston studios or Petrucci & Attwell, Inc., are in a handsomely remodeled Back Bay carriage house, a sturdy brick souvenir of the fine old neighborhood’s gilded age. The look of the place explains the company’s goal. As stated by its president, Bob Petrucci, this is to bring together “state of the art electronics systems” with a comfortable working atmosphere appropriate to the city and the clients.
