
What is progress?

Industrialization? Urbanization? Globalization?

Is it about Efficiency? Expediency?

Introducing Scientific, Medical, Technological Solutions?

Is it about Modernization, a blind belief in Science and Technology?

Has Humankind been able to improve living conditions or the environment?

Is it Progress, when the human biology is being ignored, even crippled, when all ecological connections with the environment are severed?

What happens when achieving one’s dream is curtailing the dream of others?

Is it just about the right to do as one pleases or is it also about not doing anything that would threaten survival, not just of humans but of the rest of fauna and flora?

Is not the promise of Progress just a lie? Aren’t the benefits lasting just a moment?

What is the purpose of human survival? Is it economic? Is it about creating abundance? Would one agree with the president of the Illinois university system, who lectured, “that the sole purpose of the university is to create wealth”?

What happened to the teachings of Abraham Maslow? Have they become irrelevant?

Physiological needs:
Food and water

Safety and Security:
Personal security
Emotional security
Financial security
Health and well-being
Safety needs against accidents/illness and their adverse impacts

Social Belonging:

Partner Acquisition
Utilizing & Developing Talents & Abilities:
Pursuing goals

“Transcendence refers to the very highest and most inclusive or holistic levels of human consciousness, behaving and relating, as ends rather than means, to oneself, to significant others, to human beings in general, to other species, to nature, and to the cosmos”. 

Isn’t the truth about “Progress”, that each time we enter a new phase of progress, that we have lost something significant?

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